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NEW! Books Updated Version 19 Forensic Data Recovery Class Books


This was a limited run and it has already been retired. At this point it is only sold directly with the Distance Learning Class or the Seated Class.

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This was a limited run and it has already been retired. At this point it is only sold directly with the Distance Learning Class or the Seated Class.

This is a new set of books of the Forensic Data Recovery and Hard Drive class set of four volumes of the books used to as training material. This set is version 19. The newest version is only sold with either the Forensic Data Recovery Distance Learning Class or the Seated Class from the Schedule.

This material covers over 1200 pages and includes slides and labs with custom graphics from Scott A. Moulton's Forensic Hard Drive Data Recovery class.

There are hundreds of useful techniques for recovery covered in these slides.

Buy All from Scott Moulton at from

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